• The Holy Communion

    The Holy Communion is an act of worship and thanksgiving that should be participated in and done by churches, gatherings and families in accordance to Christ's word (Luke 22:19) "To do this (the Holy Communion) in remembrance of Him" in order to thank God for sending His Son, thank Jesus for giving His life and to show our unity (oneness) with God... but why?

  • Is listening to secular music bad?

    - Is all secular music bad?
    - Am I saying that secular musicians are not talented?
    - What about secular musicians that are believers?
    - But secular music is better than Christian music
    - Why music... why not tv, games, etc?
    The Bible says to not be equally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14)... and listening to secular music makes you...

    Is listening to secular music bad
  • Why didn't you tell them about Jesus?

    Hell is real. It is your responsibility (as well as mine) to tell those who do not know about where people without Christ are headed. We will be held responsible for not sharing our faith... for being disobedient. Your salvation is not meant to be mysterious; Everyone should know. Not fulfilling the Great Commission is disobedience to...

  • Worshiping God is more than lifting y...

    Worshiping God, being in the Spirit, feeling God's presence is much much more than lifting your hands up. Some do so because they think it is the right thing to do in God's Presence, others because they see people doing so, and others, for many more wrong reasons: Pride, hypocrisy, etc, or the right ones: adoration, joy, etc. When should you lift your hands up though?

  • Do not take God's glory

    Don't take God's glory. Never do. God gives you gifts, skills and talents, so the world can see, be amazed and through your giving Him glory, lead people back to Him. This is a reminder, one that I've needed to remind myself over and over again... Do not take God's glory or He will take it back...

Before and after... some minor Photoshop tricks shown

Hello my brothers and sisters... here's something that I came across on the internet. It's a before and after on the LG BL40. An image of the phone was taken... and played with (in I believe about 30 to 45 minutes) to get the final masterpiece(IMHO). The photo was found HERE.

In response to a challenge I received from the guy who posted on "Learn Photoshop from the expert", here's what I did. The first is the original image,  The LG B40, the second image is my edited version.

-Phone reflections
-I added the LG logo and gave it a metallic feel.(No where else is my version of the LG logo available)
-Overall beauty of the design, lol

Here they are:



Amazing huh? Real good stuff..... good job to the designer... who happens to....

What's your favourite part of the redesign?


Anonymous said...

clouds in second image give modern feel to it

Neo said...

Amazing work.


Carla said...

Looking more gorgeous now....

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