The hue image adjustment is very important in photoshop. The picture below has many colors, therefore will give you an idea of what the hue adjustment can do or be used for.
HUE (not colorized)
I recommend that whenever you download a picture you want to work with, before opening it in Photoshop, make a copy of the original image somewhere so that if you edit the image, save it and quit Photoshop without saving a .psd file, you still have the original image.
First, open the image above in Photoshop. Press “Ctrl U” to open the “Hue/Saturation “ dialog. Drag the slide for the Hue around and see the interesting colors you can produce from the picture. I used a hue of +45 to get the color scheme/style/(whatever you wanna call it) below. Make sure the colorize check box is not ticked. I bet you can see the difference. Here's mine.
HUE (colorized)
Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what the colorize check box when ticked will do to your image. So, open that image again, tick colorize and adjust the hue to a color you want. I’m sure you can see the difference. I used a hue of +247 and ticked the colorize checkbox to get the result below. The hue with colorize ticked will give the entire image a particular color shade.
Here’s the difference clearly to show the difference between a colorized hue, a non-colorized hue and the original image.... click on the image to see a larger version of it.
Don’t worry about the Saturation for now, it will be covered in a future tutorial.
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